Monday 17 November 2014

How To Stop Nightfall In Sleeping In Night

How to Get Harder and Stiffer Erections Naturally 

ED or erectile dysfunction is a condition that can affect your life and relationship adversely. It can put you under a lot of stress and strain your relationship with your woman. Good sex tends to build a stronger and closer bond between you and your partner and lack of it can make both of you grow apart.

ED can be treated with the help of drugs like Viagra but they have a lot of side effects. Such drugs are not suitable for men suffering with various health problems like the cardiac disorder, high blood pressure, diabetes etc.

Here are some simple and easy ways to help you get harder and stiffer erections even without using drugs:

1. Exercise

I am sure you are already aware of many health benefits of exercise. Working out regularly is great for increasing your sexual potency too. Strength training, in particular is extremely effective since it not only increases blood flow but also boosts testosterone in your body.

Apart from this, it's also a good idea to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Kegels are exercises that help you strengthen your PC muscles. These exercises not only increase blood flow to the penis but also build your ejaculatory control so that you can last longer during intercourse.

2. Avoid Smoking

Smoking is really bad for your sex life and penis health. First of all, it causes arterial damages and reduces blood flow to the penis. Secondly, it destroys the delicate valve mechanism in your penis that is responsible for holding blood in it when you get an erection.

According to a survey, men who smoke regularly are half as likely to be satisfied with their sex lives as compared to non-smokers.

The good news is that the arterial damage can be reversed in your body if you quit smoking before you hit 40.

3. Yawn a Lot

This might seem a bit crazy to you but yawning can actually be good for your erections. This is because yawning increases nitric oxide secretion in your body. This nitric oxide travels down your spine and reach the blood vessels that supply blood to the penis. It helps these blood vessels dilate so that more blood can flow into the penis and help you achieve hard and sturdy erections.

Thus, yawning now and then throughout the day can be a big help in improving the rigidity of your erections.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is also important to improve your sexual health. Every night you get 3 to 5 strong erections while sleeping and each erection brings with it a steady supply of oxygenated blood which helps improve your penis health. Yet another benefit is that every erections helps boost testosterone secretion too.

Secondly, lack of sleep reduces testosterone in your body. Thus, you must make sure that you hit the bed early and sleep for at least 7-8 hours each night.

5. Try Natural Male Enhancement Pills

One of the best and safest ways to get harder and instant erections is with the help of natural or herbal male enhancement pills. Such pills are a prefect remedy for ED. Unlike prescription drugs, natural pills do not have negative side effects.

They can ensure overall sexual enhancement. Some of their benefits include powerful libido, instant and harder erections, improved staying power, increased semen production, better fertility etc.
How To Stop Nightfall In Sleeping In Night

Stretch and Massage Your Penis Daily For a Bigger Penis - A Simple Routine to Follow

By stretching and massaging your penis daily, for only 15 to 20 minutes a day, you will slowly start to see an increase in the size of the penis. That's common sense and the reasons for this are to be explained right now. First things first, massaging the penis and a penile exercise routine is not masturbation and I will tell you why. Masturbation is the motion and stimulation of the penis with the goal of ejaculation and/or pleasure.

Massaging the penis has nothing to do with the emotional attachment or the goal of ejaculation. Massaging the penis is considered an exercise routine and will be part of your daily regiment and the goal will be to have a larger unit. Any ejaculation and lovemaking comes later on with an improved method for sexual-intercourse and this is all possible, with a larger penis. Give this time and commitment and within a few months or sooner, you will have a bigger, 'little soldier'. Let's start by explaining the exercise itself and start you on your way to a larger penis.

Stretching and Massaging Penis Daily

Proper grip and great lubricants are necessary for this penis exercises that is to be completed every day, five days a week, for 15 to 20 minutes daily. There are steps and hand positions that should be followed in order to get the most bang out of your buck and time and the eventual larger penis goal. This exercise for the penis is a variation of the popular 'Jelqing' penile exercise routine. Since every man is different and every man's penis is individual and unique to that man's anatomy, so will the penis exercise demonstrated right here.

In order for an exercise to be beneficial, especially in something as important and complicated as penis enlargement, it must first be comfortable and nonabrasive. A great way to make certain that these exercises are within reach for you is to make a trial run and grasp your penis firmly with either hand. The rest is up to you and the end result is just to make sure that there are all-agreeable circumstances

Lubricant Is Very Important during the Daily Penis Exercises

There is no need to pitch any type of lubricant out there since there are literally hundreds of fine and very high-quality lubricants on the market today. The basic principle here is that it is a non-irritating lubricant that can be heated up and then easily removed, fragrance optional. Once the physicality of the exercise motions are approved for massage and the lubricant is secured, it is time to have the initial trial run of the penis exercise routine. The only factor that should be recalled when exercising the penis area for the goal of increased in size and girth is that there is no need to make contact with the head (tip) area. This is an area that is extremely fragile and believe it or not, is the most important part of a male's penis during sexual intercourse. This is not the part that is going to be increased or swollen or enlarged as what you have there, is what will remain there. Leave it alone.

By massaging the shaft only of the penis and doing this with both hands alternating, you will 'convince', for lack of a better word, your penis into believing that it is normal to be a little longer and a little wider. That's what these penis massages are all about, repetition and realignment of the human anatomy, and convincing.

Practice this routine 15 to 20 minutes a day for five-days a week for the first month and then see what you come up with. As with any exercise if there is any side effects such as cramping, or abrasions appearing, or just a general feeling of negativity, Halt this exercise immediately and we will try something else.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Premature Ejaculation Treatment In Aurangabad

How to Cure Premature Ejaculation and Increase Ejaculation Period

The problem of premature ejaculation is embarrassing, ego-shattering, soul destroying and humiliating. This problem is very common and unfortunately plagues many men. If the problem of premature ejaculation is not controlled, it can result in a diminished sex life, unhappy partners and poor self-esteem. The problem of premature ejaculation related with some other problems can be easily and safely treated with the help of herbal medicines. There are many powerful herbal medicines which are made from the combination of effective natural ingredients. They are very effective in treating the problem of premature ejaculation in a safe way.

It is a wish of every man to prolong his sexual encounters. But for many men this becomes impossible. They are unable to control climax and they ejaculate before full satisfaction and before their desire to ejaculate. Due to this act the man loses his self confidence as they are unable to satisfy their partners. Though any one can suffer from this problem but this sexual dysfunction is more often seen among men under the age of fifty. But this problem can be cured with the help of home remedies and herbal remedies. There are many herbal remedies for premature ejaculation.

Use of herbal remedies results in lots of benefits like -

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can help you achieve your Premature Ejaculation Treatment

1. It progress male sexual functioning.

2. It reduces the problem of erectile dysfunction and achieves strong, healthy erections.

3. Increase the size of male organ during erection in size as well as in volume.

4. They also boost arousal and sexual drive.

5. They also raise the sexual energy levels.

6. They are very effective and their proper use achieves stronger and more pleasurable ejaculation and also increases the time of performance.
7. Their use also revitalizes the male reproductive and hormonal systems.

8. Herbal medicines also improve anxiety caused by problems in sexual performance.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment In Aurangabad

Uses of herbal medicines are very effective in curing this problem of premature ejaculation as well as many problems related with this problem.

Herbal medicines must be taken after consulting some expert. They must be taken in required dose as prescribed by an expert. The problem of PE is related with physiological as well as psychological problems. So to cure the problem of PE, these physiological as well as psychological problems must also be cured. Further the intake of herbal medicines will help in curing the problem of premature ejaculation. By curing this problem, the physical as well as psychological relationship between the partners also improves.

Natural Cure for Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is basically ejaculation that happens in a very short time i.e. within 1-2 minutes of sexual intercourse. It can happen to anyone, irrespective of their age. It affects the sex life and overall satisfaction to their partners. This may further lead to many problems such as troubled marriage and sometimes divorce. Premature ejaculation is due to heightened sensitivity to touch which results in quick ejaculation and thus sex can't be continued for long. The causes for premature ejaculation can be many such as:

• Emotional aspects like stress, mental instability, depression etc
• Body aspects like health, blood pressure, impotence age etc
• Environmental aspects like birth of baby, stress due to marriage etc
• Taking medicines like Prozac or consumption of alcohol

In desperate search of treatment, people look for the various sources which may not necessarily cure them. The treatment of premature ejaculation is important because it improves the self image; it helps to give a feeling to be able to fully satisfy his partner. Sex is also beneficial to the body as it is stress-reliever, memory booster and calorie burner. Most importantly, it strengthens a relationship as it makes one feel desirable and wanted.

Premature ejaculation can be treated by controlling ejaculation. Though there are medicines, various pills, lotions, creams available that can treat this, here are some techniques for natural cure for premature ejaculation:

•Contracting Exercises: This is not an exercise for masturbation; it involves squeezing the anus inward. This can be done 10 times for making oneself ready without ejaculating. This exercise can be practiced one hour before having sex. Even buttock muscle may be contracted to control early ejaculation. All these exercises improve blood flow to penis, which helps in maintenance of erection for a long time. The asana like Elevated Lotus, Vajrasana, etc can prove effective.Even penile message with sesame oil is also advisable. Even prostate massage with castor oil around 1-2 hours prior to sexual intercourse ma gives good results in not having quick ejaculation.

•Healthy Diet: A low cholesterol and low sugar diet for men with high cholesterol level or for diabetic men is always advisable in order to avoid premature ejaculation. Besides this, intake of almond milk with saffron helps to improve sexual drive in any men. Even drinking Vidari, Bala and Ashwagandha twice a day after mixing with warm goat's milk may prove beneficial. Ginseng milk may be also used as a substitute for Ashwagandha. Consuming green onion seed before meal can be beneficial as well. Elements like carrot, banana, cereals, and onion in a diet will help increasing stamina and thus one can last really long before ejaculation.
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•Kegel exercise can help the person to delay the orgasm and thus prevent premature ejaculation by strengthening the pelvic muscle so that while at orgasm, one can contract or relax in order to delay the ejaculation. It is important to know the right activities for this exercise before practicing such exercise.

•Sexual urge can be controlled by medical counseling also. Such counseling sessions can help in treating premature ejaculation. Diversion of mind to other thought rather than sex can make a person stay longer during intercourse. It can help in curing premature ejaculation and also they can last longer as compared to other average men with the help of this.

•Consumption of herbs like Gambir Saravak can be effective as it is natural with no side effects and give a long-lasting effect for satisfaction of both men and women.

Naturally curing this disease is beneficial as it has no side effects unlike medicines. Consumption of medicines can cause side effects like high blood pressure, increase in body weight, and skin problems like acne. Moreover it is not necessary that such medicines can cure the problem of premature ejaculation. Use of lotions or any external cream can cause allergy to female counterpart. Hence, medicines to have sexual urge should be used only after consultation with medical professionals.

Getting information from sources like magazines, internet, videos and other books can sometimes be misleading. Consulting with doctors, therapists or medical professional can be a better option than believing on false information. People often don't consider talking to others about premature ejaculation because of the embarrassment. Thus, one can always go for the natural remedies that are easy to try without having to reveal to anyone about his sexual problems.